UTB – Tomas Bata University in Zlín, Czechia
General description
Tomas Bata University (TBU) in Zlín is a Czech republic university located in the Moravian city of Zlín. TBU is an open and flexible higher education institution, developed in accordance with five central values: entrepreneurship, openness, usefulness, creativity and responsibility.
More than 9,000 students study at six TBU faculties that provide studies in technology, economics, humanities, multimedia communication, informatics and logistics. International students coming from all over the world and forming 10 % of the student body help create an international environment at the University.
The University is regularly successful when evaluated on the international level. According to the World University Rankings published by the British QS company one year later, our University is ranked 85th (2022 – 87th) among universities situated in Central and Eastern Europe and Central Asia.
The design of energy storage devices at TBU is carried out within the University Institute centers: Centre for Technology Transfer, Centre of Polymer Systems, which obtained the HR Award HRS4R granted by the EC to excellent research institutions, and Footwear Research Centre. TBU has available specialized laboratories and certified cleanrooms used for energy components – pilot production line for experimental production of pouch batteries.
Expertise related to the project
TBU is the TwinVECTOR coordinator. The project aims to create a centre of excellence at the Tomas Bata University in Zlín TBU, focusing on next generation battery sustainable design, energy business models, and sustainability assessments, with the support of upgraded research and administration unit (RAU). The RAU therefore coordinates the capacity building measures of the partners´ activities to emphasise the synergy and the creation of the centre of excellence at TBU. Hence, TBU will team up with excellent foreign institutions: VTT, AIT, KIT, and BAYFOR. The whole spectrum of activities is planned to activate knowledge at TBU, set-up knowledge pool and capacity building activities enabling flexible, multidisciplinary project teams to address the topic of the next generation of batteries with the help of life cycle thinking via sustainability assessments.